
Showing posts from June, 2017

Not showering

(after a run) me: aren't you going to shower? Charlie: no, I showered before we worked out me: ...but you just ran and sweat Charlie: I'm not sweating, it's just perspiration. Can I use some of your cologne?

What the scientists are saying

Charlie: we're here thanks to the dinosaurs me: ...what? Charlie: you know, because the dinosaurs farted me: ...what? Charlie: yea, that's what the scientists are saying. Don't you know, they farted and changed the atmosphere that killed them, then allowed us to come around

Sandwiches at work

Me: (email my team that I'm ordering sandwiches and tell everyone to let me know what they want by 10am or I'm going to order a classic Italian) me: Charlie, did you check your email? Charlie: thanks for letting me know. hahaha busy here. and I dont do pork me: well you might want to tell me what you want then