Charlie got fat

Charlie (who's gained a lot of mass in recent years): I need to lose weight so I'm going to the gym tomorrow for 3 hours

me: that's good, but if losing weight is your goal you should focus on your diet

Charlie: I know, it's just really hard to not overeat 

me: yea I hear you. One thing you can try is to ask yourself whenever you're about to eat something if you're actually hungry. If not, wait until you're hungry, then have a small meal. Then repeat the whole process. Of course this is much easier said than done. 

Charlie: interesting...I'll give it a try

Next day Charlie calls me around noon

Charlie: hey got a question for you

me: sure, what's up?

Charlie: how do I know when I'm hungry? don't know when you're hungry?

Charlie: yea, I've never gone this long without eating something

me: do you feel physical discomfort as a result of not eating?

Charlie: no

me: then you're not hungry


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