Applying for a job

 Years ago during college after I gave my boss' phone number to Charlie so he could apply for a part-time job at the same employer.

me: Charlie, did you call the guy about the job? 

Charlie: I did, but he didn't pick up so I'll wait for him to call me back

me: what did you say in your voice message?

Charlie: what do you mean? 

me: left a voice message right? 

Charlie: no, but he saw that I called so he'll call me back

me: how will he know it's you if you don't leave a message? 

Charlie: I'm sure he'll see a missed call and call me back. I'll talk to him then

me: are you going to try calling him again?

Charlie: nah, I'll just wait for him to call me back

He didn't get a callback 

A few years later, Charlie applying for a different job

me: how did the interview go?

Charlie: it went well man, I feel good about it

me: that's good

Charlie: yea, but the HR person was on my case about not having shaved

me: you didn't shave for the interview? 

Charlie: it's just stubble, it's not a big deal

me: Charlie, I told you to shave before the interview. 

He didn't get the job


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